Spring Lawn and Landscape Maintenance

After a long winter, spring is a welcome time of warm temperatures and an increase in outdoor activity. It’s also the perfect time to start your lawn and landscape care. Below is a list of yard tips to keep the outside of your home looking spectacular. Inspect your trees and shrubbery. Prune broken or damaged […]

How Stumps Can Wreak Havoc On Your Home

While many trees are beautiful and provide welcome shade in the summer months, they can create significant problems for your home. Falling leaves and branches create hours of yard work and can cause significant damage if they settle on your roof or in your gutters. Springtime thunderstorms can cause large branches to crack and fall, […]

Why Winter Tree Maintenance Is Vital

Without greenery and excessive foliage, it’s easy to ignore the trees in your yard. The leaves aren’t blocking the sun or hanging down, your neighbor isn’t frustrated about your tree sap in his space, and summer storm bolts don’t threaten to strike your mighty Oak. It’s normal to stop thinking about landscaping once the snow […]

Don’t Fall Behind on Fall Cleanup

As this year comes quickly to a close, as the years often do, it’s natural to find oneself questioning where the time has gone. With all the monotony of working from home, the stress of the pandemic, and the question of how the holidays will look this year, it’s natural to reach November and realize […]

Essential Things to Know About Summer Tree Pruning

Working in the yard and gardens is one of the great joys of summer for many Americans. If you have trees on your property that are getting out of control, warm sunny days may be a tempting time to prune them back. You must be careful, however, with pruning. Issues With Summer Pruning Although it […]

It’s Time to Have an Old Tree Removed

Many homeowners throughout the Medford area have trees on their properties. Trees oxygenate the air, provide shade, and break strong gusts, in some cases protecting nearby structures. They can also attract beautiful birds and provide shelter to many types of wildlife, not all of which are welcome inside or near a home. While most homeowners […]

Spring Is the Time to Take Care of Your Trees That Suffered Winter Damage

Winter weather is hard on many of our home’s exterior features. We all know the effects it can have on our sidewalks, roofs, and driveways, but one aspect that homeowners often overlook is their landscaping. Ice storms, heavy winds, and the harsh Pacific Northwest snowstorms can have devastating effects on both young trees and more […]

The Benefits of Weekly Lawn care Maintenance

One of the best ways to make sure your lawn in the Medford, Oregon area is in pristine condition all year is a weekly maintenance service.  Not only will this service make sure that you have a great yard in the summer, but you will also have fantastic landscaping during the fall and winter months.  […]

Signs Your Tree is Sick

There are many ways to tell if you have a sick tree on your Medford, Oregon property.  Start by walking around your property regularly so that you know right away if you have a tree that’s changed or become unhealthy.  If you think your tree looks sick, have it inspected to see if there is […]

Reasons for Emergency Tree Care in Medford, Oregon

If you have a tree on your property that doesn’t look healthy, consider having it removed as soon as possible.  If a tree splits, falls, or branches easily come off it in a storm, you have a safety issue that needs emergency tree services.  Safety It is much safer to hire someone who is experienced […]