Some Signs That Your Tree is Sick!

Unfortunately, homeowners sometimes wait until their tree is obviously sick or dying before calling us in to diagnose the problem and take care of it. Generally, it’s fairly obvious when a tree is in trouble, but not always. Here are some signs to look for: • Discolored Leaves: This is generally the first clue you’ll […]

What Can an Arborist Do For You?

Your home is an investment, and the trees on it are an integral part of the value of your home, your property, and your quality of life. Ideally, a homeowner would call us in to evaluate and care for their trees on an annual basis. When we come in, we will examine and assess the […]

Exactly What Is a “Certified Arborist?”

An arborist is a specialist trained in caring for all species of trees and other woody shrubs and bushes; they are experts in the field of “arboriculture.” An arborist has achieved a high level of knowledge and experience in all areas of tree care, and that means – if you don’t know what kind of […]

The Christmas Tree! Some Snippets of History

• The first use of evergreen trees was to celebrate the winter season – and it was before the birth of Christ. • The first decorated Christmas tree was in Riga, Latvia, in 1510. • Cherry and hawthorn trees were also used as Christmas trees before the evergreen was • Christmas tree “lights” made of […]

Did You Know? Fascinating Tree Facts!

1. No tree dies of old age. They are generally killed by insects, disease, or people. They are the longest living organisms on earth. The California Bristlecone Pines and Giant Sequoias are believed to be the oldest trees in the world; their age has been estimated at 4,000 to 5,000 years. The average tree in […]

New Ways to Use Fall Leaves! Create Leaf Compost!

Many people confuse leaf mulch with leaf compost – but the two are not the same. Mulch is made strictly from plant material and is generally better for insulation, while compost is created by mixing plant materials with other organic materials such as kitchen scraps; compost is better for enriching and improving soil. To make […]

New Ways to Use Fall Leaves! Create Leaf Mulch!

Leaves. Chances are, if you’re a homeowner, you have a lot of them lying around right about now. Here something new you can do with them instead of throwing them away! Create leaf mulch, which you can use to insulate tender plants in the winter, while enriching the soil. Leaf mulch decomposes lowly, creating Mother […]

Spotting The Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Tree!

People are diligent about lawns and gardens, but trees are so slow to change that homeowners often miss signs that something may be wrong with a tree. Trees need more attention than most people are aware of. Caring for trees can be very time consuming, and requires extensive knowledge and training. Hiring an arborist is […]

Winter’s Coming! Prepare Your Trees For Winter!

Caring for your trees is a year-round job; every season has it’s own procedures that need to be followed in order to keep trees healthy throughout the year, and to ensure consistent and robust growth. The process of winterizing trees is a good deal of work, but the results are worth it. The certified arborists […]