Winter poses unique challenges on lawns, and understanding how to protect your lawn during this season is vital to enjoying a lush, healthy yard when spring arrives. Let’s explore three common threats to lawns during winter and how to mitigate them. Battling Salt Damage Salt, commonly used for deicing roads, can harm grass and plants. […]

Three Common Winter Damages to Your Lawn

When you care about your lawn, you want to be sure it’s taken care of during all seasons. Maintaining and ensuring its upkeep this winter is an important step in creating a healthy lawn come springtime. Here are three common ways damage can occur and impact the aesthetics of your lawn and the landscape around […]

Preventing Snow Mold

We want our lawn to look great year-round. A part of this depends on the work put in during the warmer seasons of spring and summer to ensure your lawn stays healthy in the fall and winter months. One winter concern you want to be mindful of is snow mold. Snow mold is more apparent […]

Effects of Cold Weather on Your Lawn

The winter months can be rough on your lawn. In the winter, you often experience temperature drops, as well as snow that can impact the overall health of a lawn. When you’re in the midst of the winter months, it can feel like there isn’t much you can do to keep your lawn in pristine […]

How to Take Care of Your Lawn During the Winter Months

The winter months are a great time for your lawn. Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean your lawn can’t look beautiful. With just a few simple steps, you can have an attractive lawn even when the temperatures drop. Manage Your Lawn this Winter Here are a few tips on how to take care of […]

Why Winter Is the Best Time to Prune Your Trees

When it comes to lawn care and tree care, most people don’t think about it much as winter approaches. In the winter, trees and other plant life become dormant, awaiting spring so they can come to life once more. This dormant period is the perfect opportunity to prune the trees around your home or business. […]