How to Prepare Your Lawn for Winter

Winter is coming, but this does not mean doom for your lawn! There are plenty of ways to get your lawn ready for the cold seasons—by winterizing plants, planting for next spring, and basic cleanup. Here are some lawn care suggestions for this fall that will prepare your lawn for winter and spring. Fall Lawn […]

Signs of a Dying Tree

Is It Seasonal or Is It Dying? As fall approaches, leaves will begin changing color and dropping from numerous tree species in Southern Oregon. Many trees will then become dormant throughout the winter months, appearing as if they are dead, no longer needing as much food, water, or sunlight to survive.  During these changes, it […]

How to Take Care of Your Lawn During the Winter Months

The winter months are a great time for your lawn. Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean your lawn can’t look beautiful. With just a few simple steps, you can have an attractive lawn even when the temperatures drop. Manage Your Lawn this Winter Here are a few tips on how to take care of […]