The Best Time To Plant A Tree Is 20 Years Ago

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3761787_sThe saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. But, the second best time is today.” And, that is true for this day – even though it is smack in the middle of the fall season and the weather outside is far from what looks like planting weather.

In fact, there are many things that you can plant this time of year. A major benefit to planting during the fall season is the price. Because fall is not the most popular time of year for buying trees, shrubs, bulbs, and perennials, most places that sell these items mark them down significantly in order to move their inventory.

If you would like to add more luster to your landscaping but, shy away from the cost of spring and summer shopping – check your local nurseries and garden departments for the following:

  • Trees and shrubs. If the ground around your home has not frozen yet, then it is still a great time to plant a tree or shrub. While the cold weather will slow down the growth of the branches and leaves of the tree or shrub, the root system grows all year around. If you can get it in the ground and give it plenty of water before the first freeze, the root system will have enough nutrients and water to continue growing during the winter months and get solid ground before the spring, when it will go through a major growth spurt.
  • Spring bulbs. Popular bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths can be planted this time of year and given a good head start on the spring thaw. Make sure that the ground you plant them in is rich with nutrients and you give a healthy watering. It’s almost like setting them up to hibernate for winter, and then come back better than ever during the spring.
  • These might look rough and close to dying when you see them on the shelves of your local nursery or garden department. But, the real test of a plants longevity is their root system. If the roots of the perennials you’re looking at are healthy looking, then get them in the ground now and in the spring they will not disappoint.

Fall planting might seem a little odd, but it is actually a great time to do it. And, as an added bonus you can do it on a budget. This way, you don’t feel like you are taking such a chance on buying a plant that looks less than desirable.