How to Get Your Lawn Ready for Winter

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As winter approaches, it’s important to prepare your lawn for the upcoming colder months. With some strategic care and planning, you can ensure your lawn stays healthy through the winter and thrives come spring. Here are a few steps you can take to keep your yard in great shape year-round.

Preparing Your Lawn in Fall

The fall season is ideal for some essential lawn care tasks, as the cooler temperatures and increased moisture create the perfect conditions for maintenance and growth. Consider aerating your lawn to improve soil health and address compacted areas. This will allow water, nutrients, and air to reach the roots more effectively.

Additionally, it’s a great time to reseed any bare patches. Fall’s cool weather is conducive to grass growth, helping new seed take root before winter sets in. Continue mowing the lawn until the grass stops growing, which helps maintain a neat appearance and makes leaf removal easier. Applying a high-potassium fertilizer in the fall will also fortify your lawn for the months ahead.

Protecting Trees and Shrubs from Winter Frost

Winter frost can be harsh on trees and shrubs, especially in regions like the Pacific Northwest where temperatures can drop significantly. To shield your trees from frost damage, consider wrapping the trunks with protective tree wrap and securing it with duct tape. This prevents frost cracking and other cold-related damage. For smaller plants, a layer of mulch can help insulate the roots from extreme temperatures.

Placing hardware cloth or mesh around the base of trees can deter rodents and other pests that might cause harm when food sources are scarce. And don’t forget to continue watering your plants until the ground freezes completely to keep them hydrated throughout the season.

Planting for the Future

While it might seem counterintuitive, fall is actually a great time to plant certain flowers and vegetables. Many cool-season blooms, like pansies and snapdragons, thrive during the autumn months. You can also plant spring-blooming bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, now to enjoy vibrant colors once warmer weather returns.

For those interested in late-season gardening, consider adding spinach, lettuce, and root vegetables like carrots to your garden. Cover these crops with a layer of straw or mulch to protect them from early frosts.

Clean Up Your Yard

Raking leaves not only keeps your yard looking tidy but also helps the grass breathe. Accumulated leaf piles can trap moisture, leading to mold or disease development. Be sure to pick up any fallen fruit or debris, as this will reduce the risk of pests taking shelter in your yard during winter.

Get Professional Help

Preparing your lawn for winter can be a lot of work, and it’s easy to miss important steps. At Advanced Tree Service, we’re here to help you with all your lawn care needs. From aeration and reseeding to winterizing your trees and shrubs, we can get your yard in prime condition for the upcoming season. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get a head start on a beautiful spring lawn!