Is Your Tree Leaning?

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Having trees on your property adds value and a great look to any home. While trees require minimum maintenance, you still want to make sure they are as healthy as possible to last for years to come. While most trees tend to grow straight, this is not always the case. Having a tree that leans isn’t uncommon, however, it is important to know when a lean could pose a serious problem.

What Causes Trees to Lean?

 Several different factors can cause a tree to lean. These factors include:

  • Saturated soil – Soil that is wet or boggy can cause a tree to lean. This type of soil can make it difficult for roots to anchor deep into the ground.
  • Unestablished roots – young trees could tend to lean since their root system isn’t well-established. This can be an easy fix since the tree is young. This often requires careful replanting to encourage straight growth.
  • Improper planting – Planting a tree can be more complicated than a person realizes. If you don’t plant a tree deep enough, the roots can have a difficult time anchoring. If a tree is planted too deeply, the roots can wrap around the base of the tree instead of spreading out.
  • Wind – Steady or strong winds that often come from the same direction can cause a tree to lean. This is especially true if the roots aren’t deep or if the soil is unstable.
  • Unhealthy tree – A tree that is on the decline, especially due to root rot or exposed roots can contribute to the lean of a tree.

Is My Lean Dangerous?

A lean could be dangerous, especially if it is leaning towards your home or other important structures or power lines. A dangerous lean often involves large cracks that compromise the strength of the tree. Peeling bark could also be a sign of infestation or decay, which can compromise the integrity of the tree. If you are worried about the cause or severity of your lean, it is best to call a pro.

Contact the Professionals

At Advanced Tree and Landscaping, we can help determine the cause of your tree’s lean. Depending on the age and integrity of your tree, we may be able to fix the lean. Contact us to learn more.